Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lake Gardens

Taiping boast the best lake gardens in the country in my opinion. The sheer size of it is unrivalled by any lake gardens in the klang valley. The hilly backdrop and endless hundred-year-old trees makes it a sight not to be missed.

Back in those days where Salem used to have the tagline "Salem high country", they shot some of their tv ads here to market how "refreshing" it was smoking a Salem ciggie. Those guys realised positioning it that way did not get them much market share in the "macho" category like what Dunhill or Marlboro has had much success. Hence Salem has moved on in opening Salem Power Stations/ Cool Planet to position themselves into the "cool" world of music.

Back to the lake gardens, besides being a hot spot for tv ads, it is also a favourite spots for couples to take wedding pictures. Couple of days back i was there enjoying the serene view and the usual sights: joggers with their Ipods, children playing in the distant playground, lovebirds boating in the vast lake, couple taking wedding shots; all was well until i noticed this:

Ok, don't focus on the ugly yellow bin, but the thing that was lying on the ground in front of it.

Freak!! A used condom!!! At first thought it must be a couple of thrillseekers doing their stuff in the park. It is not uncommon to find video footages of couples in "action" in parks circulating all over internet and the recent JAIS videos controversy adds up to my assumption.

But apparently Taiping lake gardens after dark is inhabited by people from the inbetween world- Transvestites. I do not have anything against them as i believe its a valid source on income. Demand and supply. They have been in business way back and when night falls they roam the sidewalks offering their service.

Opening hours: 2100-0300 (closed on eve of public holidays) Bargaining is allowed.

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