Monday, March 5, 2007

CNY: Protein Overdose in KL

" Chinese New Year is the period where the highest number of people in the world migrate from one place to another". I read this statement in an article writing about the mass exodus of people from large cities across China. Being the most populated country in the world and supplying the world's labour, it is no surprise that it represents migration across the world during CNY.

I would have contributed to the numbers , but for the first time in years, i remember NOT having to sit in the crawl inching my way back for the reunion dinner on the eve of chinese new year. I can say it is a breath of fresh air.

One thing remains the same as previous years is the food. Aplenty of them. On the eve we had these for dinner;

On the 2nd day we did the "lou sang" and these ;

On the 4th day we had "lou sang" again and paid the bill that almost took my life;

On the 7th day we had "lou sang" AGAIN ;

On the 8th day, just before everyone heads off for work again we finished something like these;

All in all, after 3 "lou sangs", unmeasureable calories intake and overdosed with protein; CNY this year was a blast.

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