Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Civil War

A war has erupted again just like it happened before. During the last great war, Gondorians and Vikings were severely wounded, some with permanent scaring. It only needed one change to end the futile sufferings of both armies. It came to their senses when one party decided to step one pace back, and a peace treaty was struck. Hatred was buried, peace returned to their shared land.

The Vikings and Gondorians lived in peace and with much love for many moons, the Vikings has cremated any ill feelings and believed their existence with the Gondorians will last for generations, but deep inside the Gondorians, they still harbor a seed of doubt on the Vikings’ previous alliance, the Persians. Imaginary visions of Vikings uniting with the Persians once again to betray and overthrow the Gondorians causes uneasiness and they knew it’s only a matter of time before a fresh brewed storm with the Vikings will dawn upon them once again.

And it came on one of the many occasion of the Vikings’ drunken rampage and verbal diarrhea, the Gondorians took the opportunity to strike. The battles was fast and furious, both armies withheld their dignity and would not give in, for they knew offering a glimpse of egoistical weakness will translate into accepting a defeat. The Gondorians went to the extent to confront their perceived enemy Persians in hope to quash their inner ghost.

The Gondorians and Vikings realize and admits they need one another to flourish, and having encounter and defeated many common nemesis and tests of nature, both understands one another inside out. Gondorians are well-built and tough on the exterior, yet fragile on the inside. Vikings are calm and cocky in portrayal, yet easily punctured in terms of feelings and emotion. Only one thing they share in common, their egos!

To make peace again, Gondorians would need the Vikings’ commitment to build and sustain their land and to express their loyalty in action. But the nature of the rebellious Vikings makes this simple task to appear like a daunting one. The Vikings are actually ready but true to their nature does not reveal them easily.

At present, The Vikings are suffering in excruciating pain and so are the Gondorians. All the Vikings need is a SINCERE apology. The Vikings forgive and forget because all it matters to them is the future of their land with the Gondorians, not its ugly past.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Culture Shock: Bali

There’s so many artistic talent around, especially the area of Ubud. No, I’m not shock at the countless art galleries in the area but the fact that even their garbage truck is tastefully painted!

Space is a limitation on an island. Add to the fact that Bali’s hilly topography, even paddies are grown on hill terraces. As such, flat land is considered a premium. So where do school children do their marching practices? - On the trunk road in the midst of the oncoming traffic!
Open top vehicles are not uncommon. Take a open-top bus when you’re down in Singapore to explore the city. Rent a convertible if you’re in Langkawi and catch the sea breeze. In Bali, locals catch a ride on their open-top “buses” for short journeys.

Pig is a revered animal. Name of shops, kept as pets or most importantly as food.

They despise Terrorists for obvious reasons.

They are very creative with words and sentences.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Bali Writing

Before I jetted off to Bali, was contemplating of getting inked. When I set foot in Kuta, I know I HAVE to get inked. The sheer presence of Tattoist in Kuta is jaw dropping. In the tiny lane of Poppies 2, there’s no less than 10 shops! Walk 100 metres to the main street of Jalan Legian, turn to your left or right, you won’t miss illuminated many “TATTOOS” signs.

Again I thought of getting my private parts inked like this guy, but my courage is not up to par yet …so decided to design my own tattoo. Ok, admit i'm a lousy artist.

Couple of hours later, my tattooist presented me with his drawing. I’ve decided to choose a Balinese pattern to compliment my existing clover. They actually called the patterns “Balinese Writing”.

So the pain began..

The final product. All I need to do now is beef-up my arm.

Now, literally I have an ace of clover up my sleeve.

Certificate of Borderline Insanity

I’m proud to confess that now I can kill and get away with it. The other way to get the off hook for murder is having shitload of money. Realizing it a far shot for me to create that kind of wealth, I had to resort to getting myself certified as borderline insane.

All I had to do was to jump off a 45 meters tall tower into a 5 meters deep pool with the beachfront sunset as the background.

Yup, I’ve did my FIRST bungy jump in AJ Hackett, Bali. GB decided to do it as well, overcoming her fear at the last minute. I was relatively calm all the way during the elevator ride, waiting for my turn, even till the last moment standing at the edge of the platform. Without thinking much, at the last count of 5 I ejected into space and down I went. That’s when I almost pee-ed in my pants! I closed my eyes momentarily because I was so scared of the gushing wind but forced it open again to make sure I experience the entire fall.

The second jump was a reverse jump and darkness has set it by now (though its only 6.30pm). I was more prepared this time but it did not take any fear away.

After the dizzy hangover and USD 59 bucks poorer, we were finally awarded the Certificate of Borderline Insanity, an AJ Hackett T-Shirt for bragging, a sticker for some cheap advertising and a pack of condom for ,anal sex later souvenir.

Friday, August 3, 2007

OK, one final one...

You Are Spider-Man

Quick and agile, you have killer instincts (literally).
And that kind of makes up for the whole creepy spider thing.


You Are An Atheist

God? No thanks. You're not buying into any religion.

They're all bunk to you. You rather focus on what you know is true.

You may be a passive non-believer or a rabid atheist activist.

But one thing is for sure... no one's going to make you go to church!

How American am I?

Found this little test when reading a blog. Tiu lor, i'm tarnished but I'm lovin' it.

You've Been a Little Ruined by American Culture

Whether you live in the US or not, deep down you're a little American.
And there's nothing wrong with loving American culture, but it may have negative effects on your life.
Slow down and enjoy what you have. Reconnect with life's simple pleasures.
You don't need to be in a consumerist rat race. Life's too short to overwork yourself!