Thursday, February 22, 2007

Time Zapper

Ever caught in the situation where an hour feels like eternity? No matter its waiting for your flight boarding, waiting for your gf doing her shopping or waiting for the bloody doctor in the clinic, I just wish to fast forward time whenever i'm caught in these situations.

Now there's a remedy, at least it applies to me - Championship Manager(CM). As of now, i'm 50 hours into strategizing my next tactics to beat AC Milan and preparing a swoop for Thiery Henry, amongst other tasks. An hour clicking away feels like 10 minutes, i'm not joking you. This is my third run at CM, first exposure was back in 2000, then 2002. All has the same effects on me, it gets me glued on the monitor.

I'm not really an avid gamer, but CM is my cup of tea. As before , i know i'll get bored of it eventually and thus revert back to me normal routines (before the next wave of CM-ing few years down).

To a guy, gaming is a time zapper, to a gal its a BF stealer.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mr. St. Valentine: B.A. Marketing (Hons)

In marketing school, we are taught that there's always a weakness point in the human emotions where we can exploit and sell our products/ services to. This is the principle behind advertising and merchandising. At any age or level of income there'll be needs created for us to part with our hard earned money.

If St. Valentine were a mortal like you and me, people like Donald Trump or Bill Gates would be kissing his ass cause he would have been the most successful marketeer in the entire universe. All this comes down to his product - LOVE! Arguably the most commercialized day after Christmas, Valentine's day is THE day where you will see humans are creatures born with emotions.

You'll see people paying highly inflated price for flowers;

Restaurants are over crowded thus some would settle for Domino's;

Some idiot will have lot of cleaning to do the next day;

Lighting up candles and creating a fire hazard in his own house;

Also finding the perfect card and gift.

I admit i'm sucked into this commercial bandwagon, at end of the day its not how much money you spent, its that moment where you see the smile and the glow in your lover's eye; entrapping the memory which both of you can cherish together.

Now, who said money can't buy happiness? It can, sometimes.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Anak Babi

10th February 2007 8.30 pm - Year of the Boar (i was told counted as).

His name is Kyven. And he’s damn cute. Well, the baby beside him has sharper features and in the general view would be cuter, but he beats ‘em flat today in terms of cuteness. Hey, I’m the judge and it’s final.

Ok, I admit I was bias. C’mon, how can I not adore my own nephew? Lying there serenely and does not give a damn about the world around him, giving an occasionally blink and yawn sends amazement to the crowd around him.

He may not know what lies ahead for him, but the people around him would want to give him the best.

Happy birthday.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

How not to be a millionaire

You've been selected to be in the show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire". This is your first question:

"Which of the following is the largest?"
a) A Peanut
b) An Elephant
c) The Moon
d) Hey, who you calling large?

Any average Joe would have known the obvious answer; well, unless you're a rocket scientist who thinks the answers are not as obvious as it seems.

So you use your first lifeline, the 50/50. Now you have only two choices left.

"Which of the following is the largest?"
a) A Peanut
b) An Elephant
c) The Moon
d) Hey, who you calling large?

Now any dumbass would know the answer, unless you're Kathy Evans.

This is my conclusion. She is just dumb beyond measure or she is just the smartest person who knows its almost impossible to win the million dollar thus decided to answer wrongly to gain worldwide attention to her famed stupidity.

You can read the full story here.

Friday, February 2, 2007


There's something to cheer about Thaipusam every year for folks working in Selangor - its a public holiday!!! In previous years, i would just enjoy the day off but this year since i have a place to write, i decided to do a search what exactly is Thaipusam celebrated for and why people torture themselves in Batu Caves.

So, for those who are uninitiated, if you really want to know, click here. Those piercings you see during the festival are Kavadis which literally translates to "Burden". Devotees carry them, as a form of penance or sacrifice. Though i always wanted to get piercings done on my body i shall pass on carrying one. Let others have the chance first, i mean there are 800,000 people there in Batu caves during Thaipusam!

Thaipusam this year i spent sleeping in (as usual), but not before sharing a few beers with a couple of friends the previous night. It sounds harmless but the ripple effect of this harmless act was quite monstrous.

There are others who's more happening that'll visit nightspots like zouk, rum jungle or POPPI to see and be seen. Expect to see throngs of hot chicks people having a good time shaking their booties while crisp green 50 ringgit notes or multi-coloured credit cards exchanging hands, and of course my favourite part - sights like these;

I wonder if you can still comprehend signs like this when you're drunk. I doubt it.

It not that bad, just your body's defense mechanism when you you give a go at a full pack of ciggies and half bottle of chivas.

Enjoy your holidays!