Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kai Kiok

I'm gonna start a series of "Best in Malaysia" series on food reviews. The tag sounds a bit overwhelming and of course critics will question what are the comparison parameters or even have i went all over the country. What the heck, its based on my tastebuds and my limited experience. Keyword : MY.

So to it off, I would present the award "Best Kai Kiok in Malaysia" to Tangkak kai kiok. I've never been a fan of chicken feet but the moment i sunk my teeth into it there were no doubts that it was the best.

So good that I can't stop at one. I'm still not a kai kiok lover but i'll have a second helping on Tangkak kai kiok anytime.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Ego War

To me Ego war starts when we apply this priciple: "everyone thinks they are right". I created this priciple way back when i was 11 years old where i see my classmates and of course me have constant bitching. Came a to a conclusion it'll never end because everyone had their own point of view. Now i know it's universally applicable. Ask a cheating BF in a long-distance relationship and he'll say he cheats because he thinks of the GF back home too much. Ask a cheating wife and she'll say she's gaining experience to please her husband. Ask the Americans who attacks Iraq they'll tell you their curbing terrorism. Ask the suicide bombers (if they're still alive) they'll tell you it's a God's will. The list goes on.... Everyone thinks they are right.

Currently I'm in an Ego war. Its not physically straining, but it drains me emotionally. But as per the name of the war itself, the first sign you allow your enemy to see you're craking, I'll loose.

How does this war come about? Just like the war between Israel and Palestine where both party has their PAST written about a piece of land. The ego war started in similar circumstances where the past is involved. This is about whose life was more colorful in the past and we now choose to unearth what's intentionally buried.

Beware, think wisely before digging a grave. It might spark a war that'll never end.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lake Gardens

Taiping boast the best lake gardens in the country in my opinion. The sheer size of it is unrivalled by any lake gardens in the klang valley. The hilly backdrop and endless hundred-year-old trees makes it a sight not to be missed.

Back in those days where Salem used to have the tagline "Salem high country", they shot some of their tv ads here to market how "refreshing" it was smoking a Salem ciggie. Those guys realised positioning it that way did not get them much market share in the "macho" category like what Dunhill or Marlboro has had much success. Hence Salem has moved on in opening Salem Power Stations/ Cool Planet to position themselves into the "cool" world of music.

Back to the lake gardens, besides being a hot spot for tv ads, it is also a favourite spots for couples to take wedding pictures. Couple of days back i was there enjoying the serene view and the usual sights: joggers with their Ipods, children playing in the distant playground, lovebirds boating in the vast lake, couple taking wedding shots; all was well until i noticed this:

Ok, don't focus on the ugly yellow bin, but the thing that was lying on the ground in front of it.

Freak!! A used condom!!! At first thought it must be a couple of thrillseekers doing their stuff in the park. It is not uncommon to find video footages of couples in "action" in parks circulating all over internet and the recent JAIS videos controversy adds up to my assumption.

But apparently Taiping lake gardens after dark is inhabited by people from the inbetween world- Transvestites. I do not have anything against them as i believe its a valid source on income. Demand and supply. They have been in business way back and when night falls they roam the sidewalks offering their service.

Opening hours: 2100-0300 (closed on eve of public holidays) Bargaining is allowed.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Too often than not, movie goers would like happy love stories where couples live happily ever after. It’s a propaganda embedded into our brains ever since we’re old enough to understand fairy tales.

As a cynic, this is what I see as the truth; let’s take for example arguably the most pirated-merchandised-love-story ever – Titanic. As we know, Jack and Rose were madly in love but tragically Jack was frozen to death. With that, Rose’s love for him is forever in her memory. It is the true definition of “till death do us part”.

What if Jack would have survived? Emm…. Of course they will be elated and have many more sex after that and subsequently get married and have kids….BUT, one year later you’ll probably see Rose sobbing away because Jack has not been home for a month cause he’s busy getting into Rosie’s panties on board of TitAnus (c’mon, Jack’s a smooth talker).

Ok, philosophy aside, I caught a glimpse of the movie Jude couple of weeks ago on VCD (yes, it’s that old) and I have to say this movie is one of my favorite love movies. First time I watch it was more than 10 years ago. Though I remembered it was a good movie, I tend to loose touch on how my feeling then was. Upon watching it again I felt the cold chill again and all I can say is it re-impacted me the same way it did 10 years ago. I do prefer love stories to end tragically but what Jude offered is something tragic beyond the ordinary.

Happiness Scale

The scale is a brilliant invention. I don’t mean the weighing scale you want to destroy when you see yourself putting on a kilo, but the scale where you rate and thus finding more about yourself or others.

Psychiatrists uses them to determine whether if you’re nuts, take for example the Schizophrenia scales, by answering few questions and rating it on the scale,and voila! You might have to cancel your vacation to Tg Bungah and spend it in Tg Rambutan instead.

Even your sexual life can be represented by a simple scale. Remember when you’re 18 and you feel ashamed to be in your trunks when you’re surrounded by bikini-clad gals?, while when you’re 48 u can just walk into a nudist beach without giving a damn. It can be explained, just rate yourself here and you may find out why.

Many people have been asked or asked themselves “Are you/ Am I happy?”. As it’s a very subjective topic, I’ve decided to create the “happiness scale” to represent how I feel. Simplicity is the key, with a range of 1 to 10 (10 being happiest), rate how happy you are at that particular moment. And if I find the level is below 10, finding out the reason why should be an objective. This way I can know when and why am I affected and feeling shitty. Emm.. let me recall some significant dates…..

120606 – 8
020706 – 10
090706 – 10
050806 – 10
090706 – 10
100706 – 10
270706 - 5
300706 – 10
100906 – 9 (now 0)
011006 - 10
141006 – 8 (now 0)
011206 - 10
231206 – 10
271206 – 1
010107 – 7
050107 – 2
190107 - 2
200107 – 3
250107 – 5
260107 – 7
270107 - 8
300107 - 3

Well, knowing the situation and the reason is the black and white to the issue, but the ability to self rectifies or even finding the right solution to a problem is the gray side of it. Sometimes the devil in us just choose to ignore in doing the right thing.

So, what's your score today?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Reason of Intoxification

Since my previous entry was on drinking: The Consequences of it, reckon I should continue the prequel to it, the REASON of why we drink.

For obvious reason we drink when we want to celebrate an occasion. Be it at the New Year’s party or prom night, guys and gals drink to get naughty.

Locally, we have wedding dinners with lousy below-average singers hogging the stage. I sometimes wonder maybe patrons drink to desensitize their hearing in order to endure the 2- hours- plus onslaught of bad singing.

Some drink because it’s a game. Me personally love to drink for this reason alone.

There’s a lot out there who just wanna get high and forget about the stress at work.

When you get dumped u’ll drink like there’s no tomorrow. Not that tomorrow matters anyway.

I drank when Italy won the world cup. Waited 15 years for that to happen.

Some people drink when they feel lonely, insecure and unhappy. Others assume their loved one does not love them as much.

Oh yeah, me a GB drank to our happiness. “two Screwdriver please”.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Emptying the Vodka bottle

What are the consequences if have this is your hand,

And you turn it into this within a couple of hours?

The results vary greatly. You might end up being a great entertainment subject for others;

Or give the opportunity to unearth some talented artists;
Or subject to our biological reaction and get yourself into this;
Some either knowingly or not ended up having sex when their drunk;
Other results might be the sudden burst of confidence level. Letting go of what words you’ve been holding back or making confessions that have been lying deep inside your soul.

Well, on a lighter note, i know of a person who actually cries when getting drunk;

But the one of the most memorable moments I’ve witnessed last night was trying to fix Lego.

:) Vodka is fun.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Borneo Headhunters

Had a memorable Christmas last year in Kuching and got myself a lovely souvenir from Borneo Headhunters. No, they did not sell me any of these;

in fact, they're an establishment who offers mostly services rather than products.

There are many reasons why people get a tattoo, be it pure addiction, symbolization, triad members, wannabes or just to show off how "cool" they are; i get my tattoo because i see it as a piece of art.

Nope, this is not what i got on my body. I probably can't afford the hefty charges and most importantly it's gonna hurt real bad. Yes, it's a myth when people tell you the pain from during tattoing as mild as ants biting. Bullshit. Frankly, i dunno how this guy's gonna shit for the next couple of days.

The owner which is the artist in this establishment has won various awards including a couple of H.R.Giger Awards back in year 2001. This alone made me and GB insist in getting ourself inked here.

The dimly illuminated crime scene sets the mood for the victims. It resembles a makeshift surgeon's operating theatre.

The artist started working on GB, which turned out to be perfect;

Then it was my turn. Soon, my tribal Iban "protectors" were embeded.

"The pain will come and go, but the beauty will last forever" - source unknown

Friday, January 12, 2007

A missing alphabet

The impact of spoken and written words varies greatly. It is more so more when you make a typo in the written form where it may alter the intended meaning.

Say for example, when Brad is having coffee with Jolie, after getting comfortable and looking her in the eyes Brad asked, “Have you ever been EXCITED by a man?”. And a blushing Jolie replies, “You could give it a try”.

Second scenario, Tom is chatting online with Kate and their conversation is picking up steam. After 30 minutes, Tom typed, “Have you ever been EXITED by a man?”. Kate replied, “I’m not planning to clean my colon coz I’m not into anal. Fuck off bugger”. Her status went offline.

Today I did the mistake in never checking my writings thoroughly. And it was an email to the entire universe in my office. I felt like a fool.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Can i undo my actions?

I was watching Discovery and there was this program about sleep walking. One of the various doings of sleep walkers are sleep sex, or sexsomnia.

Quoting from a BBC article, "Imagine finding unexplained condoms around your house and then waking up one night to find your partner having sex with a stranger". Well, its going to be nasty. Eventhough its not really anybody's fault as sleep sex is a very serious medical condition, and even if your partner leave you a note the next day like this,

i don't think many individuals can stomach that thought, not even speaking of that sight. Well, unless you have a serious fetish.

Certain actions whether conciously or subconciously done could not be retracted. I believe our memory will be diluted thru time so eventually things will go back to its original state. However, as in any bloody thing in life, there'll be a cause-effect factor. Certain time its a change for the good, or on the contrary.

Over the new year I learned a few new things about myself. Previously unknown of due to ingnorance i learned that there are many things that can affect me emotionally. Good thing i channeled the effects in to giving a go at blogging.

I thought the last thing would be someone's writing on the internet. This picture reminds me of that.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Japanese are very unique people. For instance they have a festival dedicated to penis worshipping called the Kanamara Matsuri. While its obvious the Japs enjoys where there's cocks involved, most of us does not realise we do indulge in cock-related activites as well. Its the art of cock-teasing.


Two sets of abbreviations brought up during dinner last night. Rekindles the time when we were zombified to exchange words in cyberspace. It was fun during the cock-teasing period.

A new abbreviation should be in place;


It's still fun where i still can cock-tease u. Haha.

Eating my own shit

Sometimes (too often than not) i spoke too soon. Like a rabbit which eats back what they shit, yeah it feels like that. Maybe i should prepare my own shit sandwich.

Whenever i see sights of people bringing along their GFs or such to a futsal game, and to me those chicks looks like dumb blondes watching faithfully while their respective Zidanes or Ronaldos do the stuff in the futsal cage.

Last night i did the same. Well, when its my own it doesn't look dumb at all. At least i know i can take back what i said. One brownie point for conquering my ego. :)

Monday, January 8, 2007

The Birth

" I see no point of keeping a diary since everyone else is keeping memories for you". Thats the line that has been running through my mind. Until that eventful evening on 6th of Jan 07 where i felt a whitewash of my own memories. The event that conceived this blog.

I've been reading blogs of anonymous people, chart toppers, friends and of course my lover. Brilliant ideas and sarcastic jokes are better than any tabloid magazine can offer. Friends or "friends" (whatever category u want it to be) offers you an insight of their life, where have they been, who have they been fucking, and etc... As they call people like me "lurkers", today i joined the bandwagon.

I've been religiously following GB's blog since the first day we 'met'. And i'm hooked on ever since. Its easy to take things for granted when i know such wonderful entries and memories she wrote about us is too precious to be discarded. I thought i owned them as well. Obviously i was wrong. A sane person working on impulse is equivalent to a nut-case. It was so easy, just a click of the mouse on the "are you sure you want to delete.." button, and voila, you've been emptied.

This is where i want to remind myself the reason of this blog. Its my diary where i keep my memories, yes its MINE, and no one can take away from me this time.